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MYTH: Many women believe weight resistance training will make their muscles large and bulky.

FACT: The ability to increase total muscle mass is highly dependent upon circulating levels of testosterone.

• Men have between 20 and 30 times the testosterone level of women and, as a result, tend to build more lean body mass. However, genetics and individual differences can play a role at the rate in which muscle mass increases.

• Women lack the proper hormones to increase muscle to be as large and bulky as men.

• Furthermore, women, as compared to men, have thinner muscle strands.


MYTH: All forms of resistance exercise will make your bones stronger.

FACT: It is unfortunate … many weight training routines designed for women (light weights with high repetitions) simply don’t impose enough stress on bone to stimulate remodeling. I always suggest the advice of a professional is essential in putting together a proper program.

Bone growth is directly proportional to the degree of stress put upon it. The greater the overload (within limits of safety for each individual), the greater the growth.

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MYTH: Cutting Carbohydrates from your food choices will help you to lose fat and be slimmer.

FACT: Low carb diets start with 20 grams or less per day…when everyone should be getting 120 grams per day.

• Cutting carbohydrates this drastically is dangerous. It can lead to metabolic syndrome by causing the person to have insulin sensitivity.

• The best idea is to take out, or at least cut back in, refined carbohydrates such as soda and white flour…going to whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

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MYTH: With the right exercise, you can get rid of trouble spots.

FACT: The truth is small muscle exercises for the arms do not reduce the size of any specific part of the body.

• There is no such thing as spot reduction. The genetic structure of a person’s body determines where fat will come off first.

• Only a good balance of proper large muscles exercises, cardio vascular work, and a balanced meal plan can achieve a healthy change in the size of anyone’s body … and it is the body that will choose which part it will reduce first.